Managing Diabetes Made Easier: On-Site Pharmacy Support for Blood Sugar Control

It is well-established that individuals who are physically inactive and carry excess body weight are at heightened risk for developing type 2 diabetes. But there is much more at play than laziness and poor lifestyle choices. Studies show that unfavorable working conditions—such as high stress, long hours, extended sitting, and convenient but unhealthy foods—are also major contributing factors. Furthermore, a lack of care and benefits at work can further increase the likelihood of employees developing severe illnesses, including diabetes.  

Just as the workplace can serve as a cause of diabetes, however, it can also serve as a solution. An employer-sponsored diabetes management and support program can help employees feel empowered to better manage their blood sugar. Additionally, employers who take an active role in employee wellness foster a sense of loyalty to the organization, improving morale and reducing turnover.  

Since 2008, On-Site Rx, Inc. has been helping employers enrich their group health benefits and reduce their prescription drug costs by providing on-site pharmacy services. Our high-touch service offers many potential benefits for both employers and their employees, including diabetes management and blood sugar control.

Diabetic Care and Support

Effective diabetes management requires careful planning and constant vigilance. Additionally, for many people, medication adherence is a significant challenge. Factors such as misunderstood instructions, forgotten doses, and confusion about how to take multiple medications can lead to poor blood sugar control.

An On-Site Rx pharmacy located on or near your business campus can help your employees overcome these challenges by providing convenient access to comprehensive diabetic care and support. A trained pharmacist who specializes in diabetes management can offer educational resources, individualized counseling, and medication management services tailored to each patient's needs, providing a personal touch that is often missing in larger healthcare settings. For instance, an On-Site Rx pharmacist can:

  • Explain how to use a blood glucose monitor
  • Review blood sugar logs
  • Interpret the results of blood sugar testing
  • Identify potential drug interactions
  • Adjust medications as needed
  • Set up medication synchronization programs to help ensure that all medications are refilled at the same time, reducing the likelihood of missed doses
  • Provide healthy eating tips and explain how to balance meals to maintain stable blood sugar levels
  • Offer stress management strategies
  • Suggest a suitable exercise program

This real-time assistance can help your employees maintain optimal blood sugar control and prevent complications associated with diabetes, such as hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia.

Health Screenings and Risk Assessments

An On-Site Rx pharmacy can also provide your employees with important health screenings, such as blood pressure, cholesterol, body mass index (BMI), and waist circumference checks. Along with appropriate counseling, these screenings can help your employees become more proactive about blood sugar control. Additionally, they can identify employees who may be at risk for certain chronic health conditions, such as diabetes, allowing for early intervention if needed.

Learn More

Effective diabetes management requires a multifaceted approach. By offering personalized care, convenient access to professional advice, and comprehensive support services, an On-Site Rx pharmacy can be an invaluable resource for your company. We can make it easier for your employees to control their blood sugar levels and maintain optimal health.  

If you would like to learn more about our unique on-site pharmacy model and how it can help your employees control their blood sugar, contact On-Site Rx today.